painting landscape 2-print.jpeg
portrait of a painting_object 3.jpeg
object landscape 2.jpeg
untitled landscape 4.jpeg

castaneda/reiman @ DCKT Contemporary , New York, NY

Cast on the Ground or Some Surface 2014

DCKT Contemporary is pleased to present an installation by castaneda/reiman, Cast on the Ground or Some Surface, utilizing the artists' shared personal collections as both material and catalyst.  castaneda/reiman’s fascination with found landscapes unites with their ongoing interest in the relationship between the natural landscape and the desire for its representation in domestic spaces. 

 Combining sculpture, painting and photography in a sometimes fluid and often awkward translation, the installation’s source materials are found photographs collected by the artists over the course of years.  These vernacular images are of casually documented landscape paintings displayed on easels in the street, against wallpapered interiors, on couches in living rooms, leaning on the exterior houses and even in the landscape itself.

 The works imitate each other in their material, function and content. Shadows take form, drywall mud acts as paint, background turns into foreground, photographs become objects, and landscapes become still lifes.

 Cast on the ground refers to both a cast object and a cast shadow and finding the place where the two intersect is the starting point for this new installation. 

object drawing 1 - left.jpeg
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portrait of a painting 1.jpeg
portrait of a painting 2.jpg
object landscape 1.jpeg
portrait of a painting_object 1.jpeg
untitled landscape 3.jpeg
untitled landscape 1.jpeg
untitled landscape 2.jpeg



Above Accents Across


Allegorical Procedures